91ÊÓƵ 91ÊÓƵs

If you’re hoping to go to university and usually perform well in exams, 91ÊÓƵs could be the right choice for you. They offer the opportunity to study a range of subjects and gain the academic knowledge and skills that are highly regarded by universities and employers.

We offer a range of 91ÊÓƵ subjects to suit most interests and career paths. Most students choose to take three 91ÊÓƵs over two years, although it may be possible for some students to study four.

Our 91ÊÓƵ courses are taught at College Green Centre.

On this page you’ll find information about our 91ÊÓƵ pathways, advice on choosing your 91ÊÓƵ subjects, how our 91ÊÓƵ courses are assessed, entry requirements and details of how the college can support you with your progression to university.
Student portrait

91ÊÓƵ Pathways

You can choose any three 91ÊÓƵs from any pathway, as long as the proposed combination works with your timetable.

You will apply for one pathway, then choose your subjects at your course selection meeting. Our five pathways are designed to help you choose a combination of subjects that complement each other and will help you towards your career goals, but these are just a guide.

In the first few weeks at college, we’ll check in to make sure you’re still happy with your subject choices, and if not, help you to transfer to a different course. 

How to Choose Your Subjects

We will offer you advice and discuss your options at your course application meeting, but when choosing your subjects, it’s helpful to think about:

  • What subjects do you currently enjoy at school?
  • What subjects are you good at?
  • Is there a subject you’d be interested in learning about that you didn’t study at GCSE?
  • Are there any subjects you need to study to progress to your desired university course or career?


91ÊÓƵ Students

How Will You Learn?

91ÊÓƵs are studied over two years. Most students study three 91ÊÓƵs. You will be taught at College by specialist lecturers, and where possible your learning will be enhanced with trips, visits, external speakers and work experience or real work projects. Subjects that include practical work will have access to specialist facilities and resources.

Most 91ÊÓƵs are assessed using a mix of examinations and coursework, but for accurate assessment information, have a look at the course pages for your chosen subjects.

91ÊÓƵ Science Students

Entry Requirements

  • 5 GCSEs grade 9-4 (A*-C) or equivalent, including 4 (C) or higher in English Language and Maths
  • Some subjects have additional entry requirements. We can help you explore your options if these requirements prevent you from studying a subject that is central to your progression route
  • Home-educated students with no formal qualifications will be assessed individually
91ÊÓƵ Students

91ÊÓƵ Courses For School Leavers

91ÊÓƵ Success Stories

Emma Wherrett achieved three A* 91ÊÓƵ grades at the College, and went on to study her degree at Oxford and her Masters at Cambridge.

“91ÊÓƵ truly was the stepping stone into the rest of my life and it still feels extraordinary to reflect on what its dedicated team of academic and pastoral staff have enabled me to achieve.” 

Ellie Hayes achieved two Distinction* and a Distinction in Computing in 2020.

“I did really well and I am really happy with my results. Being here has been a really great experience and I have enjoyed my time overall and made some good friends.”

Logan Cartwright left the College in 2016 with three Bs and is now pursuing a doctorate in Psychology.

“I had the best experience at 91ÊÓƵ. I went from getting Ds and Cs at secondary school to getting Bs and A*s. I had great relationships with my teachers because they truly do care for their students and their success in life.”

Emma Wherrett

Progressing to University

One of the great things about studying your 91ÊÓƵs at 91ÊÓƵ is that you can choose to stay with us for your university-level studies. The College’s Careers and Advice team offer advice and guidance on future careers and university options.

These include:

  • One-to-one careers guidance and tutorials
  • Offer information, advice and guidance
  • Career Fairs where you have an opportunity to speak to employers, universities and training providers
  • UCAS tutorials on how to apply for university and visits to annual UCAS fairs
  • Support with university funding
People using study centre

Where to find us